Dr. D. Balasubramanian (AM-009)
Director (Research)
LV Prasad Eye Institute,
Phone : 040-248267 (R)

Dr. P.M. Bhargava (AM-001)
Former Director, CCMB
House No. 12-5-27, Vijayapuri, Tarnaka,
Phone : 040-7017789; 7019784 (O), 040-823517 (R)
Fax : 040-7013757; 7013387

Dr. S.K. Grover (AM)-015)
Director, All India Radio
18, Vidhan Sabha Marg
LUCKNOW-226001 (U.P.)
Phone : 0522-300505, 307200 (R), 0522-237470 (O)
Fax : 0522-237470

Prof. S.K. Joshi (AM-011)
Emeritus Scientist
National Physical Laboratory
Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg
NEW DELHI-110012
Phone : 011-5787161/Extn. 2305 (O), 011-91-6383700; 6383759 (R)

Prof. S.S. Katiyar (AM-016)
Vice Chancellor
Chhatrapati Sahu Jee Maharaj University
KANPUR-208024 (U.P.)
Phone : 0512-570263
E-mail : sskatiyar@yahoo.com

Dr. R.A. Mashelkar (AM-010)
Director General
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Anusandhan Bhavan
2, Rafi Marg
NEW DELHI-110001
Phone : 011-3710472, 3717053 (O), 011-4618851, 4649359 (R)
Fax : 011-3710618;
E-mail : dgcsir@csir.res.in

Prof J. V. Narlikar (AM-003)
Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics
Ganesh Khind
Phone : 0212-351414
Fax : 0212-350760
E-mail : -publ@incad.ernet.in

Prof Yash Pal (AM-008)
National Professor, Science Populariser
11-B, Super Deluxe Flats, Sector – 15A
NOIDA-201301 (U.P.)
Phone : 0120–4512075 (R)
Fax : 0120-4511562
E-mail : pal_yash@vsnl.com

Dr. G. P. Phondke (AM-012)
84, Konark Nagar – I, Viman Nagar
Phone : 020-6632646
E-mail : bal1@vsnl.com

Dr. Vinod Raina (AM-013)
Director, EKLAVYA,
E 1/208, Arera Colony,
BHOPAL- 462016 (M.P.)
Phone : 0755-563380 (O), 0755-562007 (R)
Fax : 0755-510806

Prof. H.Y. Mohan Ram (AM-002)
INSA Senior Scientist, Dept. of Environment,
194 SFS Flats, Mukerjee Nagar,
Phone : 011-6011955 (O), 011-7652773 (R)

Prof. S. Ramamseshan (AM-004)
Distinguished Professor-Emeritus
& Editor, Current Science
Raman Research Institute
Phone : 080-3311016; 3342310 (O), 080-3369108 (R)
Fax : 080-3340492; 3340694

Dr. Narender K. Sehgal (AM-014)
501, Block II, Kirti Apartments
Mayur Vihar, Phase – I
Phone : 011–2716543 (R)
E-mail : enkays@hotmail.com

Mr. Anuj Sinha (AM-017)
National Council for Science & Technology Communication
Deptt. of Science & Technology
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road
NEW DELHI – 110016
Phone : 011-6866675 (O), 011-4671958 (R)
Fax : 011-6960207

Prof. M.S. Sodha (AM-018)
B-113, Nirala Nagar
LUCKNOW-226020 (U.P.)
Phone : 0522-788033 (R)
E-mail : msodha@rediffmail.com

Dr. M.S. Swanunathan (AM-005)
MS Swaminathan Research Foundation,
3rd Cross Street, Taramani Institutional Area,
Phone : 044-2351229; 2351698 (O)
Fax : 044-23511319

Prof. B.M. Udgaonkar (AM-006)
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
V.N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd,
Phone : 022-5567711; 5554712 (O), 022-7631275 (R)
Fax : 022-5566803

Dr. V.S. Venkatvardhan (AM-007)
Nehru Planetarium